Perspectives Unleashed: 2021 Recap

Episode 32 September 30, 2021 00:40:02
Perspectives Unleashed: 2021 Recap
The Edge: A Skillsoft Podcast
Perspectives Unleashed: 2021 Recap

Sep 30 2021 | 00:40:02


Hosted By

Michelle Boockoff-Bajdek

Show Notes

Did you attend Skillsoft’s Perspectives Unleashed? If not, we’re here to catch you up on what you missed! Host Michelle Boockoff-Bajdek is joined by colleague and Skillsoft’s CRO, Eric Stine, to recap Perspectives 2021, Skillsoft’s annual learning eventDrawing thousands of attendees from around the globe and tackling key topics like the future of work and skills transformation, Michelle and Eric share all you need to know about this year’s Perspectives event 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 1 00:00:07 Enough, already enough holding your potential back and fencing your future in it's time, time to stand tall, open the window, wherever you happen to be working and shout for all the world. To hear, I am open, open to fresh ideas, open to new ways of working open to unlocking the potential, you know, is in there in you by being open to an open future, where there will be radically new ways of doing visits, where competitors become partners, where skills matter more than titles, employee satisfaction is as important as customer satisfaction and new opportunities open up every day. It's time to become agile, adaptive, flexible. And open-minded how you ask by working with a partner who's as open as you are a partner like Skillsoft, our open learning approach guides you on your own personalized learning journey and keeps you prepared and open to whatever the future brings. Are you with us? Are you ready? Let's be open to not doing things the way they've always been done. Let's be open to mastering our current job, the next one, and the one after that, let's be open to an open future and become our best working selves. All right, people breathe in that fresh possibility filled air. Look your future in the eye and say, yes, I am open. Speaker 2 00:01:56 Welcome to the edge. A Skillsoft podcast for learners and leaders alike. In every episode, you know, this, we engage in candid thought provoking conversations on the topic of learning and growth in the workplace. Now, if you are listening to us today on a podcast streaming platform, I also encourage you to check us out on Because today we are bringing the edge to you via video for this very special episode, you get to see our faces. Now, before we dive in, I have to share some background for today's podcast. And I want to go back what feels like a way back to Monday, March 2nd, 2020. It was the day that shifted my perspective and changed the nature of our largest and in-person annual customer event. Now Corona virus wouldn't be declared a global pandemic for nine more days, but it was clear by March 2nd that something was going to materially change. Speaker 2 00:02:56 And while everything did right for us, it changed the way we thought about a great many things. But in that moment, we had to figure out how to shift from an in-person event to an entirely digital one. And we only had 10 weeks, but the change was transformational. And over that next 10 weeks, an entire team worked sometimes day and night to reinvent perspectives. From top to bottom, it became a free 24 hour global digital experience featuring more than a hundred speakers across keynotes case studies, head to head debates and so much more. We had product demos. We had business continuity panels in each region. There was music, yoga breaks, and ample opportunities to ask questions and participate in a rich and dynamic conversation that became so much more than teaching people new skills. It was about our collective wellbeing. We learned so much last year and ultimately we carried much of it into this year's event, perspectives unleashed, which ran September 22nd and 23rd. Speaker 2 00:04:04 And there we tackle the topics of corporate learning and skills transformation as we move into the next. Now post pandemic much like last year perspectives unleashed was built to provide learners and leaders alike with the tools needed to build and sustain a culture of learning and to transform today's workforce for tomorrow's economy. And we covered some timely topics who owns the skilling agenda, a culture of learning, how to build it and why it's so important today and going forward. And if the future of work is now, what now is the future now to bring these themes to life, we built an action packed agenda, featuring world-class speakers, inspired, lightning talks, thought provoking panels, educational breakouts, and so much more all allowing our attendees to unleash their edge now to our listeners. I hope you were able to join us for perspectives, but if not, if you missed it, my very special guest and I are here to catch you up on what you missed. And I must say it is an absolute pleasure to be joined by my colleague and friend, Eric Stein, Skillsoft, chief revenue, officer Eric. Welcome, and thank you for joining me on the edge. It is truly a pleasure to have you here today as my co-host. Speaker 3 00:05:28 I am thrilled to be here, Michelle, thank you so much for inviting me. Some people say I live on the ed, so it's always nice to have a little bit of company there, Speaker 2 00:05:37 By the way, everybody, you are going to be hearing probably a lot of laughing throughout this. I'm not sure that Eric and I can get through a conversation without it. Um, now let me tell you a little bit about Eric, but, but we'll get to more of who he is in a moment because I want him to actually share, but, but he's a global technology executive. He joined Skillsoft in June of this year. And through his role here, Eric is helping some of the world's greatest organizations evolve and grow delighting customers and their employees. Before joining Skillsoft, Eric held various global leadership positions at SAP. Most recently, as chief of staff for the president of global sales services and customer engagement there, he supported global go to market strategy and operations. And prior to that, he was chief revenue officer at Qualtrics and chief innovation officer for SAP America. But look, rather than having me tell you all these wonderful things about Eric, I'm going to ask him to introduce himself further. So Eric tell our audience all about you. Speaker 3 00:06:36 I, you could actually keep going Michelle, I'm going to hire you to write my biography or look more than anything else. What I have done for the last 25 years is help great companies use technology to deliver an outstanding experience for their customers, for their employees, for their business partners. And right now that priority really seems to be on taking the workforce that we have and helping them develop the skills we need for tomorrow. Um, I think that we've all seen over the last year and a half now going on two years, an acceleration of digital as the primary route to market, not just to reach our customers, but to connect global supply chains and to open up a global talent market to the world, which is really an incredible gift when we look at what the workforce needs and where the workforce currently, and more and more, we are hearing a level of urgency, not just from HR leaders or from leaders across the business, in finance, in supply chain, in sales, in customer service. Speaker 3 00:07:46 And certainly at the very, very top of the house that succession planning for leadership, that technology and developer skills are absolutely critical to their ability to innovate and compete in a very dynamic global market. Meanwhile, as virtually every nation around the world focuses on personal data privacy on, uh, regulatory changes, whether those are related to data sovereignty or regulations like California's consumer protection or GDPR in Europe, corporate compliance, and the ability to not just report on it, but to understand the level of competence and therefore the level of risk that exists in your organization has become a priority for virtually every executive that I talked to every company that we do business with. And so for me, when faced with an opportunity to move on from an organization that I loved and spent two decades of my life, nearly half my life at and determine what I wanted to do next, joining you and the team here at Skillsoft was just an absolute, no brainer for me. Speaker 3 00:08:56 I cannot think of another company that brings together a focus on leadership and business skills on corporate compliance on technology and developer skills and can deliver them in every modality from micro learning to full on journeys, courseware certifications in real technical skills. And I think what folks who are joining us on this podcast and those who had the opportunity to attend perspectives 21, or who will be able to attend it digitally, we'll see is that there's just no other company on the planet that is bringing together the talent and the speakers and the content and the platform in a way that's helping organizations compete for the new normal and the next normal that we're facing. Speaker 2 00:09:41 Yeah. You know, and I, and I'm glad you touched on that because a lot of what you talked about, a lot of the challenges that our customers are facing are things that we, we did cover at perspectives. And look, you're, you're a recent addition to our family and new to the event. So I do have to ask you, what did you think of it? What did you love about it and why? Speaker 3 00:10:03 Uh, I love the event and listen, after a year and a half of digital events, kind of a little bit over digital events, um, and watching just my entire professional life flash across a zoom screen. First of all, I thought the production quality was outstanding. Um, I loved the, uh, cohort of speakers that joined us for the event. But first and foremost, I think the sessions that really captivated my attention were the stories from our customers. When a company is willing to go out there and talk about the challenges that they faced and how professional learning has helped them address those challenges and build a bridge to the future, a succession plan for leadership, a talent attraction strategy, and employee engagement and retention strategy. Those are the things that I think really got the best reception. Certainly the ones that I related to the most for me, those were the highlights Speaker 2 00:11:03 You've been really close to this experience. So it's really good to hear. And I want to thank you for taking on all that you did from hosting to interviewing some of our speakers and you and I were quite fortunate in that regard, we had the opportunity to sit down and speak with two amazing world-renowned speakers who are also business leaders, famous athletes, entrepreneurs, and lifelong learners. Dr. Shaquille Shaq, O'Neal NBA hall of Famer, 15 time NBA all-star player and Robin arson, vice president of fitness programming and head instructor at Peloton. Who's also a best-selling author and ultra marathon runner. Now you had the absolute pleasure and I am incredibly envious of interviewing Robin for her lightning talk mind over miles, proof superheros are real. And I know that I don't just speak for myself when I say how awesome was that you had the chance to speak with her. One-on-one tell our listeners that. And I guess our viewers out there, what did you learn about Robin? But more importantly, what lessons did she share with our attendees that were sort of those aha moments for you? Speaker 3 00:12:15 So, first of all, it was a total fanboy experience. Cause I, I spent half an hour with Robyn every morning before my husband wakes up, right? I'm up at five 30, I'm on the treadmill between six and six 30. And I am pretty much doing a run with Robin every day. I love the way that Robin pushes the athletes that she works with an athlete at every level, from somebody walking to somebody who is preparing for an ultra marathon themselves, Robyn helps them find something inside them that they didn't know was there. And Robin and I talked about how much that really parallels the work that a lot of our customers do. The heads of training and development, the chief learning officers, the CHRs, helping everybody on their team find that possibility inside themselves, even if they don't know the destination, when they start out, you know, Robyn didn't even run a mile until she was 23 years old. Speaker 3 00:13:14 She had come through a very, very traumatic experience, being the human shield, uh, hostage in a, uh, aggravated assault in an east village wine bar in New York city and running was how she, she worked her way through that trauma. She didn't really find her way to fitness as a profession until she was already running and using, running as a way to work through that trauma. And we discussed so many parallels about how you really have to meet the learner where they are and help them use the content that's available to them to find more inside themselves and let them just open themselves up to possibility and then find the destination along the way. And that I think was the other takeaway. If the first was really for the learner about finding more inside themselves and how our customers are creating those opportunities for learners to find those possibilities. Speaker 3 00:14:12 The second was more closely tied to what our companies do when they set up a professional development, leadership development or re-skilling program, which is, you've got to think of everybody in the organization. You've got to think of somebody that's been there 25 days. And somebody who's been there 25 years, because every opportunity you create for professional development is an investment that you make in your people and your people register that they know if you aren't investing in them, they know if you are, and you really need to meet every employee, even every applicant where they are and create that pathway to possibility for them. Now, for me, I actually was jealous of you. I love Robin. It took me forever to get over the like, oh my God, I see her on my screen every morning and I'm actually talking to her. But I mean, in addition to being a 15 time NBA, all-star Dr. O'Neill has a doctorate. He has appeared on television and in the movies and is just a super, super nice guy who comes from a place that has just been completely devastated, not once, but twice in recent memory and has a very, very personal attachment to his hometown. Um, what was it like for you to spend some time hearing shack story? Speaker 2 00:15:35 Well, I will tell you all about that, but first of all, I, I don't know if you caught before you, um, when you started your thing with, with Robin, I was drinking a sip of polar seltzer. And when you mentioned that you spend a half an hour with her before you even talked to your husband, about half of the polar seltzer went through my notes. So those lovely folks who are watching got a nice little show. Um, but Le back to your question, um, yeah, look, I have, to be honest, it was, um, I was scared. I was nervous, right? I mean, this is, this is shack. Um, and he couldn't have been kinder or more gracious, uh, ho uh, uh, a speaker than I, than I could've ever imagined. I look w we know how great he is as a basketball player. He's a media personality, he's a philanthropist, he's an educator, but he's also a lifelong learner. Speaker 2 00:16:28 And that's really what stuck with me. It's what resonated as we went through, what was almost an, uh, an hour long discussion. You know, he was drafted into the NBA before he even finished college at LSU, but he held true to a promise that he made to his mother and father by going back to school and completing his bachelor's degree, but he didn't stop there. And in all of the conversation we had, Eric, the thing that I remember the takeaway for me, the one that stuck was when you talked about why he went back and pursued his masters, he was already famous. He was already one of the world's greatest basketball players. And he was getting more involved in, in business venture deals and opportunities. And he shared how he would go into a new business meeting and everyone would be like, Hey, Shaq, it's great to meet you. Speaker 2 00:17:14 They'd shake his hand. And then they would turn to the right to address his representation. And he's like, wait a minute. I'm right here. He didn't just want to be the face. He didn't just want to be the athlete. He wanted to be a part of those conversations. And so to change the narrative, he went back to school, he received his MBA. And then to your point, he went on to complete his PhD and add a doctor to his long list of titles. And so that's so inspirational, but I had to ask him this other question, which I'm sure everybody wants to know, right. What, what failure, what in his life has he seen? And, and, you know, we, we think of someone like shack. There's no way he can fail. He's got all this outward success, but he is not immune to failure. And he shared a lesson, um, from his fellow basketball story, you might know a star, Michael Jordan, you might know who that is, who told him to learn to succeed. Speaker 2 00:18:07 You must first learn to fail. And what Shaq explained is that many of us see failure as this terrible awful thing. But in reality, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for us to improve and to reframe our actions, to ensure we don't make the same mistakes twice. And then I think if there's one more lesson that I learned from shack or, or the thing that perhaps moved me the most was his vast philanthropic work. He supports so many charities. He contributes to advocacy. He started his own foundation that works to bring about change. As you said, in communities and his goal right now, I just love it. It's to make a difference in at least one person's life every single day. I mean, that's amazing, right? Speaker 3 00:18:54 That's really incredible. I love that story, Michelle and I loved, loved, loved your interview with shock. Tell me, what was your favorite part of perspectives? 21? Speaker 2 00:19:06 I think that my favorite part was actually introducing a and I, and I won't share all of it, but introducing our new CEO, Jeff tar to the world, you know, Jeff is all about this higher purpose messaging. Jeff is all about, um, helping organizations to your point, recognize that the way that we are all going to move ahead in the future is by skilling for it. Right. And not just teaching people, the job specific skills they need for now, but also what they need for the future. Not just helping them in the roles they're in, but helping them cultivate a culture of learning and addressing the whole person. And so it really was exciting to hear from him and his guest speakers. So I think it was just such an amazing opportunity to share Jeff to the world. Um, I don't know. What did you, what did you think about that? I just, I loved it personally. Speaker 3 00:20:09 It's funny. Um, so one of my favorite moments was about one of our colleagues as well. But before I get to that, I'll share with you my reaction to Jeff session. What I guess for me, because you and I get to work with him, I loved the implicit message that he was sending, which is all of your success has to do with the team that you build and the teams that they create. And I thought that was such a great message from any CEO, but particularly from our CEO, because our company is at an inflection point. We are a new made up of individuals who are new to the organization, and those who really have heritage and history and a longterm investment in Skillsoft and, and with our customers. And it's funny that you cited him because I loved having the opportunity on the second day of perspectives to introduce two of our longest tenured colleagues, APA, our chief technology officer who created the Percipio platform and mark <inaudible>, our chief content officer. Speaker 3 00:21:18 Who's been with the company for more than a decade and came into Skillsoft during an acquisition and at a time where we have recently merged with global knowledge and have invested heavily in virtual instructor, led training for the technologist and the developer, and recently acquired pluma and invested in democratizing executive coaching by using an AI driven digital platform. I just, I was struck by how wonderful it was to share that moment with two of our colleagues, two of the longest tenured members of our executive team to talk about some of the things that we are doing to make one plus one equal three, and how the investment, for example, in global knowledge and technology and developer training comes together with some of the assets from the heritage Skillsoft portfolio to announce the integrated joint offering that we launched on the second day of perspectives. I think it is such an incredible opportunity for so many of our customers who see technology and developer training as key to their succession strategy, their innovation plan, their ability to compete in the market. Speaker 3 00:22:34 And for so many of those who now see digital, not only as an important route to market, but their primary route to market, their ability to get from the technology they're on to the technology, they need to get to their ability to have technology skills inside their organization for coding, for cybersecurity, particularly as we come into October here, cybersecurity month, and, uh, for, uh, cloud architecture, the power of that technology, coupled with some of the domains that we're investing in, like challenge labs and assessments. I really just thought it was a great way to kick off the second type of the event. Speaker 2 00:23:15 Oh, I, I agree with you. And you know, when you think about the event in and of itself, Eric, it was really, it was really incredible. We had 38 unique sessions and, and I won't even tell you how many attendees, but it was in the tens of thousands. Um, but we had, you know, this whole lineup of other speakers, you mentioned some of them costumers and luminaries, and then just these amazing inspirational leaders, uh, that we've talked about, but there were eight key topics that we tackled. And I think those are really important to highlight. So we talked about, you know, from skills gap to skills revolution, we talked about who owns the skilling agenda? Is it public? Is it private? What is the future of work? How do we innovate talent development? How do we build that culture of learning that I mentioned before that, that Jeff was so keen on discussing learning for the whole purpose, learning for inclusion, such an important topic and skilling for the future. And I, I think that, you know, rather than go into more detail about the, myself, this might be a great opportunity to share some of those key highlights with our listeners. So if we can, maybe we could just roll a clip. Speaker 4 00:25:01 Companies need to rethink their talent model both internally and externally. And how can they do that? We believe it's by creating a culture of learning a culture where every team member, every employee is striving to develop new skills and capabilities striving to be better every day Speaker 5 00:25:23 We need to win and we need to win at the right things. That means shifting consciously post COVID to a long-term orientation so that we actually are thinking several chess moves ahead so that we know what we're optimizing for and making proactive choices to be able to Speaker 6 00:25:45 You're like say an active ally, not just saying yes, you know, I, I believe in equity, I believe in equality. It's like, no, I believe in it. And I'm going to make it happen. I'm going to speak out in a meeting. I'm going to actively raise my hand to take action on behalf of someone else. Speaker 2 00:26:03 Shaquille Shaq O'Neal is a world renowned professional basketball player. He's a media personality, a philanthropist and educator, and yes, a lifelong learner. Speaker 3 00:26:17 We've got Josh Berson, we've got jazz and Paul Farr and we have got what I am personally excited about an opportunity for me to sit down with the woman I wake up with every morning and know that is not my husband. It is Robin arson, who I spend an hour running or riding with every day before my husband even wakes up. Speaker 7 00:26:38 I mean, comfort. Chaos is this beautiful sarcoma, which interlocks with the other two. That's the circle of complexity. Now you can opt into complexity or you can be coached into complexity, but in complexity, the ground is fertile. That's where you ask the good questions. That's where you look at what you want and what you have. And you start with your future vision of what a good you looks like. You look at your current reality and you start building a bridge, tiny steps, smallest. Next step. Speaker 9 00:27:07 We had excited to reveal our new integrated offering today, which blends Skillsoft to rich library off of our 180,000 learning assets with global knowledge has extensive catalog of authorized instructor, led programs, which dramatically enhances the richness and depth of our after Speaker 10 00:27:26 LMS. We're also doing a lot of work enabling learning in the flow. And so we're achieving this through an integration, deep integration with Microsoft teams. We actually have two options for our Skillsoft customers who might be interested in bringing, learning into the Microsoft teams environment. The first is the Percipio app for Microsoft teams. And the second is our integration with Microsoft, Eva. Speaker 11 00:27:51 We don't 350 coaches across six times zones speaking, but what 20 languages Skillsoft is opening doors to transformative leadership of left men for our global customers. And this more, the innovation and agility go hand in hand with diversity, with our new DEI courses, we have mainstreaming diversity, equity and inclusion conversations to real life stories and perspectives from thought leaders. These courses, ignite emotion, conversation, and learning for our customers at all stages of their, the agile Speaker 8 00:28:35 Focus on the quality of conversations that are happening between a people leader and their team members. There's not a simple solution. There's, there's not one tool that's going to tell me here's the skill you should develop. You know, it's a very difficult conversation to have. Sometimes it takes knowing, trusting your leader, lots of dialogue to come to a conclusion on where should I focus my time and energy Speaker 12 00:29:02 Show up, listen and act. So, first of all, show up, be there, let people know that you see them as they are, let them know that this topic is taken seriously by your organization. Then second, truly listen, right? Listen to your employees, listen to your leaders, listen to the communities that you serve and listen to truly understand and appreciate not to judge or, or respond or react, right? And then lastly, act take action, right? Speaker 11 00:29:39 First Speaker 13 00:29:40 Employees with the knowledge that is absolutely required and essential for the job, but also forward-looking in terms of keeping up with the market trend. And we believe both are equally critical for the success. Our investment in our people is our passion, and that is always our mantra in Speaker 14 00:29:58 It is a competitive advantage to embrace a culture of continuous learning. And so target has made the strategic decision to make, grow one of our cultural pillars. So we are embedding it into our culture, and we've just started to roll that out across our entire organization, but it sets the expectation that learning is non-negotiable learning will be an integral part of how we do our work, how we grow, how we evolve, how we support our guests and communities and how we support each other. Speaker 2 00:30:31 We have focused on timely and business critical topics like skills, transformation, diversity, equity, and inclusion, digital transformation, cybersecurity. And of course the power of building a learning culture. And I truly believe that learning is at the very heart of thriving in the next Mormon, whatever that looks like. Speaker 4 00:30:58 We're going to continue to lead by example, here at Skillsoft, as we continue to build our own culture of learning in order to ensure we're successful in our mission to help our customers build a culture of learning inside their own companies and organizations. Speaker 3 00:31:20 Wow. Michelle, that was fantastic. Um, I'm going to talk a little bit for a second on my favorite theme from the event, because it was something that you and I talked about together as we were planning the event, which is we have seen such an acceleration of digital through the COVID-19 pandemic, things that were already happening were just happening faster and talking about how, if the future of work is now, what now is the future? You and I have to go over this topic a lot, but I don't think I've ever actually posed the question to you directly. And so Michelle, if the future of work is now, what now is the future? Speaker 2 00:31:57 You know, I, I still think we have to solve for some of that. I don't know that we know. And I think that's part of the challenge, right? I mean, there are jobs there are, when you, when you think about your kids for a moment, Eric there, the, the jobs that they will take when they grew up don't yet exist. So how do we prepare people for the unknown? And it's through skills development. It is through skills transformation. It is through re-skilling and up-skilling. And I think that's really what the future has to be. How do we drive more of a skilling agenda and in doing so build that culture of learning. So everybody has an opportunity to participate in this next normal, whatever it is. Speaker 3 00:32:39 I couldn't agree with you more. And it's actually something that's been really very much on my mind. You know, you mentioned my kids and, um, my daughter loves pink and purple and rainbows and unicorns, but she also loves science and rollercoasters and building things. And I'm, I have this almost instinctive protectiveness that I want everybody, but particularly the educational and the professional systems to see past the pink unicorns and see the amazing engineer that my daughter could be. And so I was thrilled to see so much content on our diversity equity and inclusion platform, which turns out to be the highest performing content we have in the portfolio. And particularly the work that you've done around the pink pandemic. Maybe you can talk a little bit about that. Speaker 2 00:33:32 Yeah. You know, I'd love to this. This has really been a passion project for me. And, and for those who don't know, um, you know, I'll share some sobering stats the past, uh, 18 months, the pandemic has disproportionately affected women in all aspects of their lives. And just to put it into perspective, according to the international labor organization in one year 4.2% of women's employment was eliminated as a result of the pandemic, just, you know, that's a loss of 54 million jobs. And to your point, this crisis has been coined the pink pandemic because it has effected women. So acutely. And we at Skillsoft have sought to use our voice, our platform to drive awareness. And we've talked about it here on the edge. We talked about it in our reports, within our learning content that you highlighted and, and across just every opportunity we have, but rather than just talk about it, we've known that we needed to do more. Speaker 2 00:34:27 And so we asked ourselves what actions can we take to make a true impact? And so I am honored to share that it perspectives unleashed. We made a pink pandemic pledge, announcing a partnership with elevate network, a global community of women, plus fostering and promoting gender equality in the workplace. Now they accomplish this by providing women and femme identifying non binary individuals with a community to lean on and learn from through networking education, inspiration, and opportunity. And Skillsoft will be sponsoring elevate networks 2020 to elevate her Ford fellowship program providing 250 fellows with access to Percipio and all of its learning resources and recipients include women who were laid off to COVID-19 women, going through a career transition, veterans, students, and recent graduates. And for those whom the cost would be a financial strain. You know, we just, couldn't be more excited to partner with elevate network and help to create a tangible impact on the lives and the careers of the incoming fellows through learning. And for anyone who wants to learn more about elevate her or this particular program, you can visit elevate Now, Eric, thank you. I appreciate you, you opening that up, but I think that, you know, the pink pandemic is something that is so that we're all acutely facing, but we need to go beyond just women. I think we need to make our resources more readily available and more accessible to all. So, so what would you like to potentially do here? What would you like to offer? Speaker 3 00:36:09 Well, I'm going to tear a page from the announcement that you just made about elevate. And what I'd like to do is in the spirit of perspectives, uh, and in the spirit of offering perspective to anybody who's out there and listening, we are going to open up the award-winning Percipio platform and make content available on it for 30 days from the event. So everybody out there can experience a world-class DEI content or technology and developer content, but for everyone who has a passion for learning for everyone who is looking for the next level, the next job, the next challenge to conquer in the spirit of the investment that we've made in elevate, I think we should make that investment in everyone out there. Who's looking for what's next. And so if you go to, you'll have the opportunity to register, to use Percipio through the end of October. Speaker 2 00:37:07 I love that. I love that. So accessible to all available to everyone. Now, Eric, you're a guest on my podcast, although technically you're my cohost, but as a guest, um, you have the obligation to answer one final question that I have asked every single one of my guests since I started the edge over a year ago. But, um, for this episode, I know there's a lot of pressure, but for this episode, I'm going to adapt it a little bit. It's a three parter by the way. So, so keep track. So following perspectives, the first part is what is one thing that you learned at perspectives unleashed? The second part is how are you going to apply what you learned in the flow of your work or your life. And then the third thing is what piece of advice would you give to others who might be thinking about watching perspective? So what did you learn? How have you applied it? And what piece of advice are you going to offer? Speaker 3 00:38:07 Uh, actually the answer to all three is the same. And I learned it when I sat down with Robin, which is, it doesn't matter if you don't know the destination, just start running. Just keep running forward is a pace. Speaker 2 00:38:23 Oh my God. We, well, we have to end on that. Wow. Say it one more time. I think that was really good. One more, Speaker 3 00:38:30 Just start running. Just keep running. It doesn't matter if you don't, the destination forward is a pace. Speaker 2 00:38:39 Oh, that's amazing. Uh, Eric, thank you so much for sharing that, but also for joining me to help cohost this episode, it has been fun. You must come back and to our listeners. I hope you've enjoyed this as much as we have into those viewing. Hopefully you've had a little bit of fun too, but today's episode was just a small glimpse of the action packed agenda that we put on for perspectives unleashed. And we're not done yet. So head over to, 2021, where you can find information on how to access perspective sessions on demand, relive this incredible experience, and yes, get your free 30 day trial. And as always thank you for tuning in to this. And every episode as we unleash our edge together on behalf of the entire Skillsoft team, we encourage you to keep learning, keep growing and in light of our conversation today, it may be time to evaluate how your preparing for transformation. Are you ready to adapt, ready to grow and ready for whatever comes next. I'm Michelle BB. This is the edge be well

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Episode Cover

A Talk with the Next Generation of Leaders

Today’s college graduates represent the first generation of young professionals entering the workforce during a global pandemic. With a challenging economy and uncertain job...


Episode 56

December 14, 2022 00:23:17
Episode Cover

Evolving at the Speed of Tech: Reporting on Today's Most In-Demand Skills

Recently, the talent shortage has sparked many conversations around the challenges of talent retention in the workplace, particularly among technical teams. As today’s top...


Episode 34

October 27, 2021 00:47:37
Episode Cover

Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders Today: The Role of Coaching and Mentoring (Part 1)

Part 1: October 27th marks National Mentoring Day: a day to celebrate coaches, mentors, and those who help us achieve professional and personal growth....
